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* WIsHGpRs > Files

- LyRICs (16)

Runaway -AvrIl LaviG WhY -AvrIl LaviGne My Happy Ending -Avr
Runaway -AvrIl LaviGne WhY -AvrIl LaviGne My Happy Ending -AvrIl LaviGne

iNnoCence -AvrIl Lav

CrawLing - Linkin pA

HigH VolTage - LinkI
iNnoCence -AvrIl LaviGne CrawLing - Linkin pArk HigH VolTage - LinkIn Park

In BetweEn - LinkIn

In pIeCes- LInkin pa

In The ENd- LInkin p
In BetweEn - LinkIn Park In pIeCes- LInkin park In The ENd- LInkin park

One SteP cLoser- LIn

Papercut- LInkin par

SomEWHERe I BelOng-
One SteP cLoser- LInkin park Papercut- LInkin park SomEWHERe I BelOng- LInkin park
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